The do file

Developer Experience

This post is a part of my series about project developer experience, for the other posts have a look here. A fully functional example with all snippets from this post that can be used as a template is available here, more ready to use functions for writing do files are part of my open source project Solidblocks.

Imagine you join a new project and are given your first task to fix a longstanding bug. One of the first questions when cloning the affected repository often is:

How do I build this thing?

immediately followed by

…and how do I run this thing?

or, in the worst case if the repository content is already deployed somewhere, and you need to re-deploy it:

…how do I deploy and operate this thing?

There may be a README.MD somewhere with information about some commands that you can run to achieve those goals, but this information tends to get outdated very fast. Looking at the state-of-the-art approach towards deploying infrastructure, which is pouring all the information needed to create it in code, we can try to apply the same pattern to all the glue code that is required to work with the repository.

This rather abstract idea can be realized as a simple script that serves as an entrypoint for all tasks that are needed to work with the content and the structure of a repository. You can name it any way you want, I like to call them do or go as the name implies that something can be done here - comparable to the interface of older point-and-click adventure games.

You may want to make this consistent across all your repositories so people that are familiar with this concept know were to start right away.

Before we dive into the structure of this do script, we have to make difficult decision which language to use to implement it. We may be confronted with a wide range of development environments that vary both in architecture (AMD64, ARM64, …) and operating systems (Linux, Windows, OSX, …). We need to make sure to support most of them or at least the ones that are relevant to our situation.

Since the introduction of the Linux subsystem for Windows, the bash shell is a reasonable choice as a scripting language that works across all major operating systems.

Unfortunately bash scripts tend to quickly evolve into an unmaintainable mess of sed, awk, and really awkward regular expressions, so another good contender could be Python which also has a solid support across all major operating systems.

Whatever you choose, the purpose of the do file is to put all steps needed to interact with the project in to code. Ideally this code can also be used in a CI/CD environment, so we keep the way the repository is handled in the CI, close to the local machine, making it easier to debug potential problems in the CI.

The following guide tries to give an abstract overview of what such a do file might look like, providing examples for bash and Python where appropriate.


The first issue we might encounter is how to make the do file executable, so it can be run anywhere.

For bash we can safely get away with just setting some flags that make our do file robust against errors like unset variables, and force an early return in case of errors. See bash cheat sheets for more tips on how to write safe and robust bash scripts.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# exit early if any command fails instead of running the rest of the script
set -o errexit

# fail the script when accessing an unset variable
set -o nounset

# also ensure early fail fore piped commands
set -o pipefail

# enable setting trace mode via the TRACE environment variable
if [[ "${TRACE-0}" == "1" ]]; then
    set -o xtrace

For Python the bootstrapping is a little bit more advanced. Although we could just run a file written in Python using the Python shebang this would raise several issues. To begin with we might need some Python packages (PIPs) for our do file that need to be to fetched first. Next we most likely don’t want to use the system’s Python installation for this, as this would create endless possibilities for conflicts with system-wide packages. We will use Python venv to create a dedicated Python environment for our file and provide a bash based starter, that bootstraps and executes the created venv environment.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P)"

function task_bootstrap {
  python3 -m venv "${VENV_DIR}"
  "${VENV_DIR}/bin/pip" install -r "${DIR}/requirements.txt"

function task_run {
  "${VENV_DIR}/bin/python" "${DIR}/" $@

function task_usage {
  echo "Usage: $0

  bootstrap         initialize the local development environment
  exit 1

shift || true

case ${ARG} in
  bootstrap) task_bootstrap;;
  *) task_run $@ ;;


To keep the do file maintainable it is important to structure the code in a way that makes it easy to read and extend. Having common patterns here helps you navigate and find your way around multiple do files in case you have more than one repository.

This is especially important for Bash because it is lacking a lot of functionality from more mature scripting languages that we could use to organize the code. To add at least some minimal structure to the do file, splitting the functionality into simple Bash functions is a good way to ensure that the file does not deteriorate into a thousand lines of spaghetti code. A good pattern is to name the functions that are called from the outside task_${name}, making it easy to identify the entry points that are called from the outside.

function task_build {
  echo "building the project..."

function task_test {
  echo "running the integration tests..."

Those functions then get dispatched by a case-switch at the end of the file:

shift || true

case ${ARG} in
  build) task_build $@ ;;
  deploy) task_deploy $@ ;;

making them easily callable from the shell, for example:

$ ./do build
building the project...

To achieve this in Python we can make use of a command line libraries, e.g. click which lets us not only define different commands to run, but also a way to describe and verify arguments for those commands.

import click
def cli():

def build(build_type):
    """build the project"""
    click.echo(f"building the project...")

def test(parallel):
    """run integration tests"""
    click.echo(f"running the integration tests...")


if __name__ == '__main__':

After the previously explained bootstrap step via the do file, the commands defined with click are directly callable from the shell:

./do bootstrap

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  build  build the project
  test   run integration tests

Execution Context

Ideally the tasks from the do file can also be used a CI/CD system. Keeping that in mind we should never assume that the working directory is always correctly set. Always provide the full path when referencing files.

In the shell we can use the convenient DIR variable introduced in the file header to reference files needed by the do file.

DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P)"

local version="$(cat ${DIR}/version.txt)"
echo "current version is '${version}'"

The same applies for directory changes, which should always be done in a subshell to ensure we are not messing with the shell state of the caller.

    cd "${DIR}/infrastructure"
    terraform apply

Despite all our best efforts, sometimes we might need to run some extra code to account for differences between CI/CD and our local machine. We should try to keep those differences as small as possible. In case it is needed, we can detect where we are executed depending on the de-facto-standard CI environment variable.

if [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]]; then
    echo "we are running in CI, setting build typ to 'production'"
    export BUILD_TYPE="production"

Solidblocks provides a ci_detected helper function for CI/CD detection that covers the most commonly used systems.

Interacting with other commands

When interacting with local commands or external data sources we want to avoid manually parsing data using regular expressions, or tools like awk and sed. If the datasource offers a structured machine-parsable format like JSON we should consume that with the appropriate tooling. For commands that do not offer a structured output, tools like jc can help us to make the output easily parsable.

Extract information from JSON data using jq.

local ip_addr="$(curl --silent | jq -r '.ip_addr')"
echo "starting deployment, local ip address is '${ip_addr}'"

If a tool does not expose JSON, jc might be able to convert it.

local use_percent="$(df / | jc --df | jq '.[0].use_percent')"
echo "cleaned up repository, '/' has now ${use_percent}% free"

Execution Environment

Fail Early

Nothing is more annoying than executing a long-running task only to notice at the end that some needed tool is missing, or a minor configuration was not set correctly. To avoid this, we should check the execution environment first, and fail with a meaningful error message as fast as possible. In the best case, the error message should not only say what is missing, but also give hints on how to fix it.

In the shell a quick check, for the existence of the command may already be enough.

function ensure_environment() {
  if ! which tgswitch; then
    echo "tgswitch not found, please install it from"
    exit 1


Especially important for Bash is to check mandatory arguments and validate them before they are used.

local build_type=${1:-}

if [[ -z "${build_type}" ]]; then
    echo "no build type provided"
    exit 1
echo "building the project with build type '${build_type}'"

Environment Preparation

To make the developer’s life easier, we should consider how they are supposed to install the needed software to execute the do file. In general, we do not want to mess with the developer’s system to install software, or make any assumptions about how the system is configured. So if we need a specific command that is generally available in the package managers of the operating systems we need to support, a small hint on how to install it goes a long way.

In the shell a quick check for the existence of the command may already be enough.

function ensure_environment() {
  if ! which jq; then
    echo "jq not found, please install it via 'apt-get install jq'"
    exit 1


Downloading External Dependencies

Sometimes when a software package is not commonly available, we might want to go the extra mile and download it, so the developer does not have to fight with installing software and making it available on the PATH. If we do this, we should again avoid littering the developer’s system and keep the changes local to the repository. Also, we must not trust anything we fetch from the internet and always verify the checksum of everything we download.


function ensure_hugo() {
  mkdir -p "${BIN_DIR}"

  local hugo_distribution="${BIN_DIR}/hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-amd64.tar.gz"
  if [[ ! -f "${hugo_distribution}" ]] || ! echo "${HUGO_SHA256}"  "${hugo_distribution}" | sha256sum -c; then
    curl -L "${HUGO_VERSION}/hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-amd64.tar.gz" -o "${hugo_distribution}"
  echo "${HUGO_SHA256}"  "${hugo_distribution}" | sha256sum -c

  if [[ ! -f "${BIN_DIR}/.hugo_extracted" ]]; then
    tar -xvf "${hugo_distribution}" -C "${BIN_DIR}"
    touch "${BIN_DIR}/.hugo_extracted"

function task_build_documentation() {
  "${BIN_DIR}/hugo" version

Make Tasks Resumable

We should factor in that our do file might get cancelled or interrupted at any time. This has implications for tasks that, e.g. decompress files and are interrupted mid-compress leaving us with a partial state. To avoid this, we should design such tasks in a way that they can cope with interruptions and continue and/or restart where needed.

if [[ ! -f "${TEMP_DIR}/.extracted" ]]; then
    tar -xvf "some_compressed_file.tgz" -C "${TEMP_DIR}"
    touch "${TEMP_DIR}/.extracted"


Although a do file is a nice entry to the repository you still might want to provide the developer with hints on what tasks are available and how they are supposed to be used.

Unfortunately for bash there is no reliable way to automatically document the tasks for the user. The easiest way is to create a help page that needs to be manually updated everytime a task is changed. The help page will get printed if no task is provided to the do file.

# [...]

function task_usage {
  echo "Usage: $0

  build [debug|production]   build the project
  test  (parallel)           run integration tests
  clean                      remove all ephemeral files
  exit 1

shift || true

case ${ARG} in
  build) task_build $@ ;;
  test)  task_test $@ ;;
  *) task_usage;;


Especially for tasks that deploy infrastructure we often need API keys or similar secrets. Assuming they are available in some form of password manager it is good practice to directly read them from there in the do file. This avoids forcing the user to prepare the environment by themselves which could lead to secrets being accidentally added to the user’s shell history. We have to keep in mind though, that password managers often need interactive steps from the user to unlock, so we need to have a way for the CI/CD systems to provide secrets as well, which is commonly is done using environment variables.

For posix based environments pass, is an automation-friendly password manager that can be used to securely handle sensitive data.

local some_secret="${SOME_SECRET:-$(pass some_secret)}"
export TF_VAR_some_secret="${some_secret}"

If you really need to create a file containing sensitive information, make sure it has the minimal needed privileges and make sure it is cleaned up automatically by putting it into the TEMP_DIR.

local secrets_file="${TEMP_DIR}/secrets.txt"
install -m 600 /dev/null "${secrets_file}"
echo "a confidential string" > "${secrets_file}"

Clean up your mess

For all your temporary files it’s a good idea to have a dedicated temp directory inside the project directory to ensure we are not littering the system with temporary files. As we might even handle sensitive data inside of it, this also prevents us from accidentally exposing secrets to the systems tmp folder in case we forget to set the correct permissions. If you rely on larger binary blobs or tools from external sources, it might make sense to cache them in a dedicated directory to avoid re-downloading them every time they are needed. Finally, it’s also a good idea to provide a cleanup-task that removes all this ephemeral data and resets your repository to a clean known state.

We can leverage Bash’s trap mechanism to make sure temporary files are removed after each do file run. Making the temp directory distinct using the current process id ($$) of the do file run, ensures the file can be invoked multiple times in parallel.

DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P)"

mkdir -p "${TEMP_DIR}"

function clean_temp_dir {
  rm -rf "${TEMP_DIR}"

trap clean_temp_dir EXIT

function task_clean() {
  rm -rf "${BIN_DIR}"

shift || true

case ${ARG} in
  clean) task_clean $@ ;;
  version) task_version $@ ;;
  *) task_usage;;

Final thoughts

It is important to keep in mind, not to go overboard with complex algorithms in bash. If things get too complicated, or you need to talk to third-party APIs, Python may be a more sensible choice. You can also combine both, and use bash to orchestrate some simple command calls leaving Python for all other more complex tasks.


See also

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